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The trail that once passed this spot was part of the maze of routes that crossed the north west, serving both the economic and social needs of its inhabitants. The Native People, The Metis and the men of the fur trade were the first users of the trail between Battleford and Meadow Lake. As settlement increased , it was used by the North West Mounted Police and by homesteaders well into the 20th century. In the depression years of the 1930's settlers from the drought areas of the south followed this route to the north. With the coming of straight, surveyed roads to this area the trail fell into disuse and was gradually obliterated by the plow.
Land Location |
SW S06 T51 R16 W3M
Rural Municipality |
498 - Parkdale
GPS Location |
53° 22' 15.53" N, 108° 21' 25.24" W
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